/* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Id: Stock.java,v 1.1 2004/09/15 17:02:05 estewart Exp $ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1999 Visual Numerics Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is confidential information which is proprietary to * and a trade secret of Visual Numerics, Inc. Use, duplication or * disclosure is subject to the terms of an appropriate license * agreement. * * VISUAL NUMERICS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE * SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. VISUAL * NUMERICS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE * AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR * ITS DERIVATIVES. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Stock.java * * Created on September 13, 2004, 4:09 PM */ package com.imsl.demo.heatmaps; public class Stock { String symbol, name; double last, change, high, low, close; long volume; public Stock(String s, String n, double l, double ch, double hi, double lo, long v, double cl) { this.symbol = s; this.name = n; this.last = l; this.change = ch; this.high = hi; this.low = lo; this.volume = v; this.close = cl; } public String getSymbol() { return this.symbol; } public String getName() { return this.name; } public double getLast() { return this.last; } public double getChange() { return this.change; } public double getHigh() { return this.high; } public double getLow() { return this.low; } public double getClose() { return this.close; } public long getVolume() { return this.volume; } }