Example: Radial Basis Function Approximation

The function
where d is the dimension, is evaluated at a set of randomly choosen points. Random noise is added to the values and a radial basis approximated to the noisy data is computed. The radial basis fit is then compared to the original function at another set of randomly choosen points. Both the average error and the maximum error are computed and printed.

In this example, the dimension d =10. The function is sampled at 200 random points, in the [-1,1]^d cube, to which what noise in the range [-0.2,0.2] is added. The error is computed at 1000 random points, also from the [-1,1]^d cube. The compute errors are less than the added noise.

import com.imsl.math.*;
import java.util.Random;

public class RadialBasisEx1 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        int nDim = 10;
        // Sample, with noise, the function at 100 randomly choosen points
        int nData = 200;
        double xData[][] = new double[nData][nDim];
        double fData[] = new double[nData];
        Random rand = new Random(234567L);
        for (int k = 0;  k < nData;  k++) {
            for (int i = 0;  i < nDim;  i++) {
                xData[k][i] = 2.0*rand.nextDouble() - 1.0;
            // noisy sample
            fData[k] = fcn(xData[k]) + 0.20*(2.0*rand.nextDouble()-1.0);
        // Compute the radial basis approximation using 25 centers
        int nCenters = 25;
        RadialBasis rb = new RadialBasis(nDim, nCenters);
        rb.update(xData, fData);
        // Compute the error at a randomly selected set of points
        int nTest = 1000;
        double maxError = 0.0;
        double aveError = 0.0;
        double x[] = new double[nDim];
        for (int k = 0;  k < nTest;  k++) {
            for (int i = 0;  i < nDim;  i++) {
                x[i] = 2.0*rand.nextDouble() - 1.0;
            double error = Math.abs(fcn(x)-rb.value(x));
            aveError += error;
            maxError = Math.max(error, maxError);
            double f = fcn(x);
        aveError /= nTest;
        System.out.println("average error is "+aveError);
        System.out.println("maximum error is "+maxError);
    // The function to approximate
    static double fcn(double x[]) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int k = 0;  k < x.length;  k++) {
            sum += x[k]*x[k];
        sum /= x.length;
        return Math.exp(-sum);


average error is 0.02619296746295321
maximum error is 0.13197595135821727
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