History of Changes What's new in version 1.1 - 14 August 2001 * better support for KDE frameborder, internal frame icons and button layout * in this release, there is no more support for JDK1.1 * gray filter applied to checkboxes and options if disable icons not provided * ability to specify a font in a theme pack * clip was not set in ImageUtils.paintTile resulting in painting glitches DefaultButton was aligning images with parent What's new in version 1.0.1 - 19 June 2001 * re-enable painting of background. This shortcuts the setOpaque() method of a panel. if a user want to paint the background of its panel (with a picture or a plain color) he can override the paintComponent method and do the painting in this method. What's new in version 1.0 - 11 June 2001 * version update, following the unreleased 0.3.2 What's new in version 0.3.2 - 9 June 2001 * ClassCastException in SkinInternalPaneUI (this solves problems with netbeans 3.2) * Update to Nanoxml 1.6.7 * System.getProperty() must not be used (except for non-secure properties) if we want SkinLF to work in applet Fixes bug 415108. What's new in version 0.3.1 - 19 March 2001 * not editable is not handled by BasicLaF, SkinLF uses TextFieldUI from MetalLaF Fixes bug 405017. * handled tab placement (TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM), the theme must provide at least the TOP select/unselected tab images * menu background was not correctly painted. Now all bitmaps use the gtk STRETCH = true or false if available with default to false Fixes bug 233407. * added getComboBoxInsets() in SkinPersonality, but aqua theme pack left border is 12, should be 4 or 5. Fixes bug 404971. * the LinuxLookAndFeel loads the default gtk theme Thanks to Nicholas Allen. * Slider's track and thumb were off from each other Thanks to Ngoc Pham. Fixes bug 133503. * the button focus was not correctly painted. The "focus" section in gtkrc is now used if available Fixes bug 133409. * ImageUtils may lead to an infinite loop in some race conditions What's new in version 0.3.1beta - 9 February 2001 * gtkparser: a class may have several styles (see scrollbars: scrollbar and arrows) gtk: fix color handling * added theme pack support in SkinChooser * JPassword and JTextArea navigation failed if application look and feel was not initially set to SkinLF Thanks to Christopher R. Staley. * remove WindowsLookAndFeel related icons in SkinLookAndFeel * added classes precaching in SkinLookAndFeel. Fixes bug 125360. * new documentation (tutorials are included) * SkinRegion implementation for X11 including Solaris and Linux. Region created from Image Transparency Thanks to Herve Lemaitre. * fix border repaint bug in JInternalFrame (SwingSet runs better now) prevent a shaded JInternalFrame from being resized What's new in version 0.3.1alpha - 1 December 2000 * here it is: Irregular Windows for the Java Platform ! What's new in version 0.3 - 25 November 2000 * introduced Skin Look And Feel Theme Packs GTK and KDE in one zip file customized icons for trees, filechoosers, internalframes, dialogs default whistler theme bundled with SkinLF * TabbedPane border * added WindowSnapping (see examples/snap.java) * easily skin any application with Skinit (see Tutorial 2 at www.L2FProd.com) * SkinButtonUI, setRolloverEnabled(true) was missing * added SkinLookAndFeel.loadSkin(URL url) * added preview to SkinChooser * updated the scrollbar support (rollover on arrows and handle) * reduced package size again * removed KDE sound support => see README.SOUND * created a lightweight version with only GIF and JPG support (no Jimi) What's new in version 0.2.3a - 17 June 2000 * Fix bug in KdeSkin.setSoundEnabled What's new in version 0.2.3 - 13 June 2000 * Sound support preview (from KDE themes) for Window Events => see README.SOUND for more information * SkinWindowEvent to handle shade/unshade, maximize/unmaximize on SkinWindow What's new in version 0.2.3RC2 - 7 June 2000 * JDK1.1 support (and about time too!) * added ScrollBar.alternateLayout property to enable grouping of scrollbar buttons: UIManager.put("ScrollBar.alternateLayout", Boolean.TRUE); com.l2fprod.gui.plaf.xtra.XTraScrollBarUI can be used without SkinLF * improved SkinWindow moving and resizing by using a ghostWindow * added Shade/Unshade feature to SkinWindow/JInternalFrame * reduced package size by removing Jimi encoders and using -O flag and some unused images in bundled themes * better color handling from gtk and kde themes * JSlider support (still buggy) * created SkinChooser to easily add support for SkinLF in your app What's new in version 0.2.3RC1 - 29 May 2000 * changes in TableHeaderUI => custom column header renderers were overriden by SkinLF, now SkinLF only installs its renderer in installUI * added JDesktopPane.backgroundEnabled client property to JDesktopPane to enable the desktop background (supported by KDE skins) * improved SkinWindow (move and resize), SkinWindow is now usable * added WindowList and WindowManager * added examples (applets, skinwindow, demo) What's new in version 0.2.2a - 13 May 2000 * JDK1.3 support What's new in version 0.2.2 - 12 May 2000 * allowed loading of Skins from java.net.URL instead of java.io.File => SkinLF can now be used in an applet * begin merge with xWindow (com.l2fprod.gui.SkinWindow) * bug fixes * moved gtk and kde packages to com.l2fprod.gui.plaf.skin.impl What's new in version 0.2.1 - 9 April 2000 * added missing tokens in GtkParser * fixed scrollbar preferred size * added window border support to KDE theme * improved color support * added getDefaultSkinLocation() to GTK What's new in version 0.2 - 19 March 2000 * gtk and kde theme support is new * new components added * removed uis (windowBlinds) skin support due to copyright statements What's new in version 0.1 - 3 March 2000 * everything is new !