In few steps, you will learn how to skin any existing applications.
Since version 0.2.3, Skin Look And Feel includes a little tool called Skinit ("Skin It").
Skinit can be used to start any Swing application with Skin Look And Feel and your preferred skins. You only need to know the main class of the application.
java -classpath <path-to-skinlf>/lib/skinlf.jar;$YOUR_APP_CLASSPATH \
Skinit -pack com.anydomain.anyapp.Main arg1 arg2...
(the -pack option is only available in SkinLF 0.3)
Skinit Options:
-gtk <file> Use the specified GTKrc theme
-kde <file> Use the specified KDE theme
-pack <file> Use the specified Theme Pack
Example 1 - Starting SwingSet 2 (JDK1.3 required) with Skin Look And Feel
Go to the SwingSet demo directory (C:\jdk1.3\demo\jfc\SwingSet2 for example)
java -classpath <path-to-skinlf>/lib/skinlf.jar;SwingSet2.jar \
Skinit -pack SwingSet2
If the application tries to change the Look And Feel, Skinit will override the application settings (even at runtime, try the LookAndFeel menu in SwingSet).