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Java Tip 72: Press Escape to close your Swing dialog windows
Discover how to program keystroke responses in your Dialogs' parent classes
In a previous Java Tip, you learned how to intercept
Escape-key events to close dialog windows for your Java AWT applets
and applications. In this tip, we'll see how to do the same thing with
JFC/Swing dialog windows. Plus: Check out our index of previously published tips.(700 words)
By John Zukowski
Java Tips
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Microsoft Windows environments (95, 98, NT), users can press the
Escape key to close dialog windows. By default, with Java applications,
this behavior is offered by neither AWT nor JFC/Swing dialog windows.
To present users with a more common environment, you can add this
behavior to your Java programs. In Java Tip 69,
"Press Escape to close your Java dialog windows," you
learned how to accommodate this behavior for regular AWT dialog
windows. In this tip, you'll see how much easier it is to do the same
thing with JFC/Swing dialog windows.
Since the JFC/Swing dialog window is a subclass of the AWT dialog
window, theoretically you could simply change the class subclassed by
the earlier EscapeDialog . Instead of subclassing the AWT
dialog window, the EscapeDialog could subclass the
JFC/Swing JDialog window. For all practical purposes,
recursively adding key listeners would work, causing the Escape key to
close the JFC/Swing dialog window.
While the change of parent classes from the Dialog to
JDialog would work, the JFC/Swing component library offers
a much simpler approach. The JComponent class defines a
couple of registerKeyboardAction() methods for just this
type of behavior:
public void registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener action, KeyStroke keyStroke, int condition);
public void registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener action, String command, KeyStroke keyStroke, int condition);
All you need to do is to create a custom subclass of JDialog ,
define an ActionListener for closing the
JDialog , and register the Escape keystroke to call the
action listener. Then, when the user presses the Escape key when the
JDialog is open, JDialog automatically goes
Here's a closer look at those three steps:
Step 1. Subclass JDialog
public class EscapeDialog extends JDialog {
Step 2. Define the ActionListener
ActionListener actionListener = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
Step 3. Define and register the keystroke
Since the registerKeyboardAction() method is part of the
JComponent class definition, you must define the Escape
keystroke and register the keyboard action with a
JComponent , not with a JDialog . The
JRootPane for the JDialog serves as an
excellent choice to associate the registration, as this will always be
visible. If you override the protected createRootPane()
method of JDialog , you can return your custom
JRootPane with the keystroke enabled:
protected JRootPane createRootPane() {
KeyStroke stroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0);
JRootPane rootPane = new JRootPane();
rootPane.registerKeyboardAction(actionListener, stroke, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
return rootPane;
Technically speaking, that's all there is to it with the JFC/Swing
JDialog window. You can then create and use the
new-and-improved EscapeDialog window in all your JFC/Swing-based
applications just as you would a JDialog . From a useability
perspective, you may wish to replicate the many constructors of
JDialog . The accompanying source code
provides a common set of nine constructors, as offered by the original
class. In addition, the
file demonstrates its usage.
Note: Many people do not create JDialog
windows directly. Instead, they create JDialog windows
through the JOptionPane class with methods like
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "The
Message") . When using the JDialog window
through a JOptionPane , you do not have to install the Escape key
handling, as the basic look-and-feel class for the option pane
(BasicOptionPaneUI ) already does this for you.