Ok, lets start off with some easy examples. These examples really do not
even touch on the basics of correct design. However, they still make
good examples because correct design is often harder than showing a
simple example. We will show better examples further along in this
For the first example, we show that there are two different approaches
of doing the same exact thing using both JSP and Velocity. This is an
example of printing out a parameter with JSP:
if (request.getParameter("name") == null) {
out.println("Hello World");
else {
out.println("Hello, " + request.getParameter("name"));
</body></html> |
This is an example of doing the same thing with Velocity:
#if ($request.getParameter("name") == null)
Hello World
Hello, $request.getParameter("name")
</body></html> |
[ These are screen shots showing the above
example when loaded directly into the browser.
They demonstrate the idea that one
cannot easily look at what the code is doing in a browser when using
JSP. ]
The primary difference between the two is the way that output is
performed. With JSP, one needs to embed "code" within <%
tags and for Velocity, one does not need to embed "code"
within tags. One can simply use the Velocity Template Language (VTL)
directly in any portion of the template.
The benefit (and detriment) of the embedded code is that the JSP code
within a page will not show up when the file is simply loaded into
the browser. On the other hand, there might be a case where one may
desire it to show up (for example, in debugging).
Another issue with JSP is the fact that even the most basic examples
start to blow the whole MVC paradigm right out of the water. The reason
is that embedding HTML code within Java code is a bad design decision
because it makes it more difficult to modify the look and feel of an
application at a later date. It also destroys the concept of MVC
separation where the View (ie: HTML) display of the page is separated
from the Model and Controller. For example, if just the word "Hello"
needed to be in bold, we would need to embed <b>
tags into the out.println()
Of course, people in the know, would recommend that we write JSP like
<% if (request.getParameter("name") == null) %>
Hello World
<% else %>
Hello, <% request.getParameter("name"); %>
</body></html> |
Or with Struts:
<logic:notPresent parameter="name">
Hello World
<logic:present parameter="name">
<bean:parameter id="name" name="name"/>
Hello, <bean:write name="name"/>
[ This is the new JSP screen shot showing the above
example when loaded directly into the browser. ]
The point that needs to be made is that in order to make JSP "pure", one
really needs to jump through hoops. The example above looks very similar
to the Velocity example. However, one still needs to embed the necessary
<% %>
tags everywhere. More typing == more chances
for mistakes! There is also a bit of a disconnect as to when the ";"
needs to be added and when it does not. With Velocity, the rule is that
you place a # before a directive and a $ before a member in the Context.
As you can see from the example image, there is now a bit more
information in the displayed page, except that it is also missing all of
the logic which was used to build the page. If one views the equivalent
Velocity template directly in the browser, without it being rendered
first, all of the logic in the template remains visible. The advantage
is that it is easier to debug problems.
You make the decision.
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