 |  |  |  | Files in the Binary Package |  |  |  |  |
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License for Xerces-J
NOTICE file for Xerces-J
License for the XML Commons Resolver
SAX License
W3C Document License
W3C Software License
Web page redirect to docs/html/index.html
Jar file containing the XML Commons Resolver. Currently,
Resolver 1.1 is distributed with Xerces-J.
Jar file containing all the parser class files that implement
one of the standard APIs supported by the parser
Jar file containing all the standard APIs implemented by
the parser. Currently, Xerces-J supports DOM level 3, SAX
2.0.2, and the javax.xml.datatype ,
javax.xml.parsers and javax.xml.validation
parts of JAXP 1.3.
Jar file containing all sample class files
Directory containing sample XML data files
Directory containing documentation
Directory containing Javadoc API for parser framework
Directory containing the source code for the samples
To use Xerces-J you do not need the source files.
However, if you want to recompile the sources you need to
download the source package and have the contents of the tools
package (or equivalent) available.
xerces.jar is no longer available in the main distribution. You can still
download this jar from deprecated distribution. xerces.jar is a Jar file
that contains all the parser class files (i.e., it contains
the intersection of the contents of xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar).
 |  |  |  | Files in the Source Package |  |  |  |  |
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License for Xerces-J
NOTICE file for Xerces-J
License for the XML Commons Resolver
SAX License
W3C Document License
W3C Software License
Batch file for invoking Ant build for Windows users
Shell script for invoking Ant build for UNIX users
Ant build file -- read README file before building
Build instructions
Web page redirect required for building documentation
Current source code status information
Current list of "todo" items
Current open issues that need to be resolved
Directory containing sample XML data files
Directory containing documentation, in XML form
Directory containing source code for samples
Directory containing source code for parser and supplemental
In order to compile the source code using Ant or to build the
release distributions yourself, you must have the contents of
on your classpath; i.e., you will need access to a version of Ant,
Xalan, StyleBook and an XML parser such as Xerces.
For ease of use, we recommend extracting
in your Xerces root directory; the build.sh and build.bat scripts
are written for this case.
 |  |  |  | Changes in Xerces jar files |  |  |  |  |
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In order to accomodate the very common case in which Xerces is
used with an XSLT processor such as Xalan, between Xerces 2.0.0 beta 3
and beta 4 a change in the default organization of Xerces' jar
files was introduced. As well as the xercesSamples.jar
file, which we still produce, Xerces formerly came with a file called
xerces.jar . This file contained all of the
parser's functionality. Two files are now included:
xercesImpl.jar , our implementation of various APIs,
and xml-apis.jar , the APIs themselves. This
was done so that, if your XSLT processor ships with APIs at the
same level as those supported by Xerces-J, you can avoid putting
xml-apis.jar on your classpath.
Should you wish to use the xerces.jar instead, we have
included several Ant targets for backward compatibility. An
"Ant target" is an argument given to Ant, our build tool,
that tells it which portions of the build.xml file to
If you are on a Windows system and you wish to get only the
xerces.jar file, you would execute build.bat
deprecatedjars .
If you want to regenerate new versions of the Xerces
binary, source and tools distributions with the old-style jarfiles,
you would execute build.bat deprecatedall .
The situation is
analogous for Unix users, except that build.sh would be
used instead of build.bat .
For further information and
more options, please look inside build.xml itself; all possibilities
are documented there.
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In order to provide security-conscious users with the best
possible assurance that the Xerces distribution they have
downloaded is official, "signatures" are provided for all 6
Xerces packages produced in each release. A signature is
produced with cryptographic software (such as PGP or GNUPG). The cryptographic
software is used to apply an algorithm that uses the secret
"key" of a Xerces committer to generate a unique file from
each Xerces distribution. The Xerces committer then makes a
"public" key available, which the user can use, in
conjunction with the downloaded distribution and the
accompanying signature, to verify that the distribution was
actually produced by that committer.
In order to verify the legitimacy of Xerces distributions
you download, these steps should be followed:
Get a copy of PGP or GNUPG from the above URL's.
Obtain the signature of the Xerces package you wish
to verify. For instance, if you want to verify the
legitimacy of Xerces-bin.x.y.z.tar.gz, download the
Xerces-bin.x.y.z.tar.gz.asc file from the same
location as the original file was obtained.
Obtain a copy of the public key of the Xerces
committer. While most committers have posted their
keys to public "key servers", probably the easiest
place to get them from is CVS. The public keys of
all Xerces committers who post releases are available
from the file called
KEYS located in the
root directory of the xml-xerces/java
Add these keys to your "public" keyring. In GNUPG,
you'd do this with a command like
gpg --import
Issue the command for verifying signatures
appropriate for the cryptographic software you've
chosen. For GNUPG, this would be
gpg --verify Xerces-J-foo.x.y.z.ext.asc
Xerces-J-foo.x.y.z.ext .
Note that, in general, it won't be necessary to acquire new copies
of public keys to verify signatures for each Xerces release.
This will only be necessary if a new Xerces committer has
published the release.