Slides (HTML) Parameter Reference

Norman Walsh

$Id: param.xweb,v 1.9 2005/06/17 08:38:11 xmldoc Exp $

Table of Contents

I. General Parameters
keyboard.nav - Enable keyboard navigation?
css.stylesheet - CSS stylesheet for slides
css.stylesheet.dir - Default directory for CSS stylesheets
titlefoil.html - Name of title foil HTML file
toc.html - Name of ToC HTML file
foilgroup.toc - Put ToC on foilgroup pages?
output.indent - Indent output?
overlay - Overlay footer navigation?
show.foil.number - Show foil number on each foil?
II. Frame Parameters
nav.separator - Output separator between navigation and body?
toc.row.height - Height of ToC rows in dynamic ToCs - Background color for ToC frame - Background color for body frame
toc.width - Width of ToC frame - Enable hide/show button for ToC frame
dynamic.toc - Dynamic ToCs?
active.toc - Active ToCs?
overlay.logo - Logo to overlay on ToC frame
multiframe - Use multiple frames for slide bodies? - Background color for top navigation frame
multiframe.bottom.bgcolor - Background color for bottom navigation frame
multiframe.navigation.height - Height of navigation frames
III. Graphics Parameters
graphics.dir - Graphics directory
bullet.image - Bullet image
next.image - Right-arrow image
prev.image - Left-arrow image
up.image - Up-arrow image
home.image - Home image
toc.image - ToC image - Inactive right-arrow image
no.prev.image - Inactive left-arrow image
no.up.image - Inactive up-arrow image
no.home.image - Inactive home image
no.toc.image - Inactive ToC image
plus.image - Plus image
minus.image - Minus image
hidetoc.image - Hide ToC image
showtoc.image - Show ToC image
IV. JavaScript Parameters
script.dir - Script directory
ua.js - UA JavaScript file
xbDOM.js - xbDOM JavaScript file
xbStyle.js - xbStyle JavaScript file
xbLibrary.js - xbLibrary JavaScript file
xbCollapsibleLists.js - xbCollapsibleLists JavaScript file
overlay.js - Overlay JavaScript file
slides.js - Slides overlay file
V. Localization Parameters
text.home - Home
text.toc - FIXME:
text.prev - FIXME:
text.up - FIXME: - FIXME:
A. The Stylesheet