Open up ShoppingCartBean uses the Calculator stateless session EJB to do calculations. The example shows two ways to get access to the Calculator EJB. One is:
@EJB private Calculator calculator;
When the ShoppingCartBean instance is created, the EJB container will set the calculator field using the jndiName of that particular referenced EJB.
You are not limited to injecting dependencies on fields. You can also use @EJB on a setter method. The below example from ShoppingCartBean uses the @EJB annotation to inject the reference to the Calculator session bean:
private Calculator set; @EJB(beanName="org.jboss.tutorial.injection.bean.CalculatorBean") public void setCalculator(Calculator c) { set = c; }
The @javax.annotation.Resource annotation allows you to inject resources.
@Resource(mappedName="DefaultDS") private javax.sql.DataSource ds;
In JBoss, whenever the mappedName() attribute is specified (@Resource, @EJB), jboss will use that as the GLOBAL jndi name to look it up.
The @Resource annotation is used to inject these singletons as well.
@Resource javax.ejb.SessionContext ctx; @Resource javax.ejb.TimerService timer; @Resource javax.ejb.UserTransaction ut;
@EJB and @Resource also create an entry within the JNDI ENC of the bean. So, the above @EJB injection will create an entry for the reference calculator bean under "java:comp.ejb3/env/ejb/calculator". Note, the ENC name SHOULD be "java:/comp/env", but the JBoss Application server is currently being refactored in this area, so an EJB3 specific namespace is being used.
Unix: $ export JBOSS_HOME=<where your jboss 4.0 distribution is> Windows: $ set JBOSS_HOME=<where your jboss 4.0 distribution is> $ ant $ ant run run: run: [java] Buying 1 memory stick [java] 2004-10-06 19:37:16,869 INFO org.jboss.remoting.InvokerRegistry[main] - Failed to load soap remoting transpo rt: org/apache/axis/AxisFault [java] Buying another memory stick [java] Buying a laptop [java] Print cart: [java] 2 Memory stick [java] 1 Laptop [java] Checkout
The INFO message you can ignore. It will be fixed in later releases of JBoss 4.0.