<%@ page import="examples.Student"%> <%@ page import="examples.Address"%> <%@ page import="examples.Course"%> <%@ page import="examples.RandomString"%> <%@ page import="java.util.*"%> <%@page contentType="text/html" %> <% String id=request.getSession().getId(); session.setAttribute("TEST_ID",id); int NUM = 100; List list = new ArrayList(); String str = null; int zip = 0; Address address = new Address(); str = RandomString.randomstring(5, 25); address.setStreet(str); str = RandomString.randomstring(5, 25); address.setCity(str); zip = RandomString.rand(1000, 9999); address.setZip(zip); Student joe = new Student(); str = RandomString.randomstring(5, 25); joe.setName(str); str = RandomString.randomstring(5, 25); joe.setSchool(str); // Mary and Joe have the same address joe.setAddress(address); for(int i=0; i < NUM; i++) { Course foo = new Course(); str = RandomString.randomstring(5, 25); foo.setTitle(str); str = RandomString.randomstring(5, 25); foo.setInstructor(str); joe.addCourse(foo); } session.setAttribute("joe", joe); %>

Session ID (postfixed by jvmRoute in each node): <%=session.getId()%>