QUICK DIGEST SETUP: For the purpose of example, let's say that you have a majordomo list called "banjo" and that you want to create "banjo-digest". 1. You need to create two directories: the digest's work directory and the digest's archive directory. They CAN'T be the same directory. Where should these directories be created? Look in your majordomo.cf file to see how these three variables are defined: $digest_work_dir, $filedir, $filedir_suffix. Let's say they look like this: $digest_work_dir = "/usr/local/mail/digest"; $filedir = "/usr/local/mail/files"; $filedir_suffix = ".archive"; That being the case, you must create these two directories: /usr/local/mail/digest/banjo-digest /usr/local/mail/files/banjo-digest.archive The first is the work directory, the second is the archive directory. Make sure that majordomo has write permission on both directories. 2. You must create a majordomo list called "banjo-digest". In most respects it is just like any ordinary list, but when you set up the configuration file (banjo-digest.config), you will have to configure these parameters: digest_issue = 1 digest_name = Banjo Digest digest_volume = 1 digest_maxdays = digest_maxlines = maxlength = 40000 message_footer << END END message_fronter << END END Remember that these variables are in banjo-digest.config, NOT banjo.config. Also, do NOT touch the variables digest_archive, digest_rm_header, etc. Both digest_issue and digest_number should start at 1 unless you have some special reason to do otherwise. The digest name should be an obvious choice, but don't make it longer than 24 characters. "maxlength" is the maximum size in characters (bytes) for a digest. "digest_maxlines" is the maximum number of lines in a digest. "digest_maxdays" is the maximum age in days of an article in a digest. The last two parameters are optional, but maxlength must be defined. A digest will automatically be created if any one of the three limits is exceeded. You can put this sort of material in the header or footer: message_fronter << END In this issue: - - _SUBJECTS_ - See the end of the digest for information about banjo-digest. END Note that you need to indicate blank lines by placing a '-' character at the beginning of the line. You also indicate whitespace at the beginning of a line by putting a '-' in front of the whitespace. The _SUBJECTS_ token will be expanded to all of the subject lines of the messages in the digest, one subject per line. 3. Create some aliases. You need to add to the banjo-outgoing alias: banjo-outgoing: :include:/path/to/lists/banjo, banjo-digestify and then you need the banjo-digest aliases: banjo-digestify: "|/path/to/wrapper digest -r -C -l banjo-digest banjo-digest-outgoing" banjo-digest: banjo banjo-digest-outgoing: :include:/path/to/lists/banjo-digest owner-banjo-digest-outgoing: harry banjo-digest-approval: harry 4. Add a cron job. If you want digests to be created at regular intervals, put this line in your cron table: echo mkdigest banjo-digest pluck | mail majordomo@mj.server.com ("pluck" is the digest's password). 5. Test it!