============================================================ Lucida Bright font pack for LaTeX as of 2003-03-12 ============================================================ Walter Schmidt NFSS classification of the text fonts ===================================== family series shape(s) FontName ------------------------------------------------------------- hlh m, b n, it, LucidaBright, LucidaBright-Italic, LucidaBright-Demi, LucidaBright-DemiItalic, sl, sc LucidaBrightSlanted, LucidaBrightSmallcaps, LucidaBrightSmallcaps-Demi hls m, b, ub(*) n, it LucidaSans, LucidaSans-Italic, LucidaSans-Demi, LucidaSans-DemiItalic, LucidaSans-Bold, LucidaSans-BoldItalic hlct(*) m, b n, sl LucidaTypewriter, LucidaTypewriterBold, LucidaTypewriterOblique, LucidaTypewriterBoldOblique hlst m, b n, sl LucidaSans-Typewriter, LucidaSans-TypewriterOblique, LucidaSans-TypewriterBold, LucidaSans-TypewriterBoldOblique hlx(*) m, b n, it LucidaFax,LucidaFax-Italic, LucidaFax-Demi, LucidaFax-Italic hlce(*) m it LucidaCalligraphy-Italic hlcn(*) m n, it LucidaCasual, LucidaCasual-Italic hlcw(*) m it LucidaHandwriting-Italic hlcf(*) m n LucidaBlackletter Available encodings are T1, TS1 (text companion) and LY1. Usage notes =========== * The obsolete OT1 font encoding, while still being the default with LaTeX, is _not_ supported. Thus, you should switch to T1/TS1 or LY1 before using the Lucida Bright fonts, for instance: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{lucidabr} ... * Many, but not all of the Lucida fonts provide an Euro symbol \texteuro in the LY1 and TS1 encoding. Families or shapes that are lacking the Euro are marked in the above table with an asterisk. * The Lucida fonts do not include all symbols of the TS1 (text companion) font encoding: Only those symbols are available, that belong to the ISO-Adobe 1 character set, plus the Omega and (partially) the Euro. * All demibold fonts are assigned to series `b'. The two sans serif bold fonts are assigned to `ub' (ultra bold). This means that with the exception of the Sans bold fonts _all_ fonts in the Lucida Bright font set are available through normal `user level' commands such as \bfseries, \sffamily etc. To access the bold Sans Serif use \fontseries{ub}\sffamily. * The blackletter font is made available in math mode as \mathfrak (with the lucidabr or lucbmath package). If you want to use this as a text font, you should define a command to execute \fontfamily{hlcf}\selectfont. Unfortunately, the available encodings do _not_ provide the "long s"; however, LucidaBlackletter was not made to mimick historical typesetting, anyway. ========================== finis ===========================