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bookhands A collection of book-hand fonts.

This is a set of book-hand (METAFONT) fonts and packages covering manuscript scripts from the 1st century until Guthenberg and Caxton. The included hands are: Square Capitals (1st century onwards); Insular Minuscule (6th cenury onwards); Carolingian Minuscule (8-12th centuries); Early Gothic (11-12th centuries); Gothic Textura Quadrata 13-15th centuries; Gothic Textura Prescisus vel sine pedibus (13th century onwards); Rotunda (13-15th centuries); Humanist Minuscule 14th century onwards; Uncial 3-6th centuries; Half Uncial 3-9th centuries; Artificial Uncial 6-10th centuries; and Insular Majuscule 6-9th centuries. The author is Peter R. Wilson.

License: lppl Updated: 2003/01/27

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