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eulervm Euler virtual math fonts.

The well-known Euler math fonts are suitable for typsetting math in conjunction with a variety of text fonts which do not provide math character sets of their own. Euler-VM is a set of virtual math fonts based on Euler and CM. This approach has several advantages over immediately using the real Euler fonts: Most noticeably, less TeX resources are consumed, the quality of various math symbols is improved and a usable \hslash symbol can be provided. The virtual fonts are accompanied by a LaTeX package which makes them easy to use, particularly in conjunction with Type1 PostScript text fonts. They are compatible with amsmath. A package option allows the fonts to be loaded at 95% of their nominal size, thus blending better with certain text fonts, e.g., Minion. The author is Walter Schmidt.

License: lppl Version: 4.0 Updated: 2004-01-26

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