How to alter the alignment of tabular cells

One often needs to alter the alignment of a tabular p ('paragraph') cell, but problems at the end of a table row are common. With a p cell that looks like:

... & \centering blah ... \\
one is liable to encounter errors that complain about a "misplaced \noalign" or "extra alignment tab", or the like. The problem is that the command \\ means different things in different circumstances: the tabular environment switches the meaning to a value for use in the table, and \centering, \raggedright and \raggedleft all change the meaning to something incompatible. Note that the problem only arises in the last cell of a row: since each cell is set into a box, its settings are lost at the & (or \\) that terminates it.

The simple (old) solution is to preserve the meaning of \\:

which one uses as:
... & \PBS\centering blah ... \\
(for example).

The technique using \PBS was developed in the days of LaTeX 2.09 because the actual value of \\ that the tabular environment uses was only available as an internal command. Nowadays, the value is a public command, and you can in principle use it explicitly:

... & \centering blah ... \tabularnewline
which may be incorporated into a simple macro as:
... & \centering\RBS blah ... \\
and used as
... & \centering\RBS blah ... \\
(note, you Preserve backslash with \PBS before the command that changes it, and Restore it with \RBS after the command; in fact, \RBS is marginally preferable, but the old trick lingers on).

The \PBS and \RBS tricks also serve well in array package "field format" preamble specifications:

\begin{tabular}{... >{\centering\RBS}p{50mm}}
\begin{tabular}{... >{\PBS\centering}p{50mm}}
In the tabularx and tabulary packages, there's a command \tabularnewline that does the same as \RBS (above); so in those packages, one might say:
\begin{tabular}{... >{\centering\tabularnewline}p{50mm}}
in place of the example above; in fact, the very latest (2003/12/01) release of array.sty also provides the \tabularnewline command. The command does rather lack brevity, but at least you don't have to define it for yourself.
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Distributed as part of macros/latex/required/tools (zip, browse)
Distributed as part of macros/latex/contrib/carlisle (zip, browse)

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