%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % plain.sty % %%%%%%%%% % % Defines a new environment plain, in which plain TeX files should be % LaTeX'able. % Defines \magnification and \bye to be no-op. % Re-enables some plain commands (\line, \eqalign ...) % Fakes some other plain commands (\footnote, \topinsert, ... ) % Keeps LaTeX's font definitions, and output routine. % % Example use: % \begin{plain} % \input{Somebodys_nasty_plain_file.tex} % \end{plain} % % You do not have to \input the plain commands, they can be entered % directly inside the plain environment. % % \begin{plain} % $$ \eqalign{1+2&=2+1\cr&=3}$$ % \end{plain} % Note that this style file is designed to make plain TeX files do % something sensible inside LaTeX. The page breaks, widths of lines, % fonts used etc may not be the same as obtained from plain TeX. % If you want exactly the same result from LaTeX as plain TeX use: (!!) % latex \&plain Somebodys_nasty_plain_file.tex % David Carlisle % carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk % 1990/11/14 % All of the code is from (l)plain.tex except a few definitions % which are marked with the comment: %DPC % and one set of three commands marked with the comment %RF (at DPC's request) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 1990/11/14 initial version % 1994-5 Robin Fairbairns kindly fixed up a few things % 1996/04/22 Add support for plain TeX commands and primitives hit % by AMS packages.