Package `xcolor' by Dr. Uwe Kern (xcolor at ukern dot de) History ======= 2004/07/04 v2.00 * New features: - extended functionality for color expressions: mix colors like a painter; - support for color blending: specify color mix expressions that are being blended with every displayed color; - \xglobal command for selective control of globality for color definitions, blends, and masks; - multiple step operations (e.g. \color{foo!!+++}) and access to individual members (e.g. \color{foo!![7]}) in color series; - \providecolor command to define only non-existent colors; - \definecolorset and \providecolorset commands to facilitate the construction of color sets with common underlying color model; - additional 147 predefined color names according to SVG 1.1 specification; - `xpdfborder' key for setting the width of hyperlink borders in a more driver-independent way if `dvips' is used. * Changes: - `color' package now completely integrated within `xcolor'; - `override', `usenames', `nodvipsnames' options and \xdefinecolor command no longer needed; - `dvips' and `dvipsnames' options now independent of each other; - \tracingcolors's behaviour changed to make it more versatile and reduce log file size in standard cases; - \rdivide's syntax made more flexible (divide by numbers and/or dimensions); - code restructured, some internal commands renamed; - documentation rearranged and enhanced. * Bugfixes: - \definecolor{foo}{named}{bar} did not work (error introduced in v1.11); - more robust behaviour of conditionals within `pstricks' key-values. 2004/05/09 v1.11 * New features: - switch \ifglobalcolors to control whether color definitions are global or local; - option `hyperref' provides color expression support for the border colors of hyperlinks, e.g. \hypersetup{xurlbordercolor=red!50!yellow}; - internal hooks \XC@bcolor, \XC@mcolor, and \XC@ecolor for additional code that has to be executed immediately before/after the current color is being displayed. * Changes: - \XC@logcolor renamed to \XC@display, which is now the core color display command; - improved interface to `pstricks'. 2004/03/27 v1.10 * New features: - support for `named' model; - support for `dvips' colors (may now be used within color expressions); - internal representation of `ordinary' and `named' colors merged into unified data structure; - allow multiple `-' signs at the beginning of color expressions. * Bugfixes: - commands like \color[named]{foo} caused errors when color masking or target model conversion were active; - incompatibility with `soul' package: commands \hl, \ul, etc. could yield unexpected results. * Documentation: - added formula for general color expressions; - enhanced text and index; - removed dependence of index generation on local configuration file. 2004/02/16 v1.09 * New features: - color model `HTML', a 24-bit hexadecimal `RGB' variant; allows to specify colors like \color[HTML]{AFFE90}; - color names `orange', `violet', `purple', and `brown' added to the set of predefined colors. * New xcolor homepage: * Bugfix: \xdefinecolor sometimes did not normalise its parameters. * Changes: - slight improvements of the documentation; - example file xcolor1.tex reorganised and abridged. 2004/02/04 v1.08 * New commands/features: - \selectcolormodel to change the target model within a document; - \adjustUCRBG to fine-tune undercolor-removal and black-generation during conversion to `cmyk'. * Bugfix: color expressions did not work correctly in connection with active `!' character, e.g. in case of \usepackage[frenchb]{babel}. * Code re-organisation: - \XC@xdefinecolor merged into \xdefinecolor, making the first command obsolete; - several internal commands improved/streamlined. 2004/01/20 v1.07 * New feature: support for color masking and color separation. * New commands: - \rmultiply to multiply a dimension register by a real number; - \xcolorcmd to pass commands that are to be executed at the end of the package. * Changes: - more consistent color handling: extended colors now always take precedence over standard colors; - several commands improved by using code from the LaTeX kernel. * Documentation: some minor changes. * Example files: additional pstricks examples (file xcolor2.tex). 2003/12/15 v1.06 * New feature: extended color expressions, allowing for cascaded mix operations, e.g. \color{red!30!green!40!blue}. * Documentation: new section on color expressions. * Bugfix: color series stepping did not work correctly within non-displaying commands like \extractcolorspec{foo!!+} (this bug was introduced in v1.05). * Renamed commands: \ukfileversion and similar internal constants renamed to \XCfileversion etc. * Removed commands: \ifXCpst and \ifXCtable made obsolete by a simple trick. 2003/11/21 v1.05 * Bugfixes: - package option `hideerrors' should now work as expected; - usage of `.' in the first color expression in a document caused an error due to incorrect initialisation. * Code re-organisation: \extractcolorspec now uses \XC@splitcolor, making \XC@extract obsolete. 2003/11/09 v1.04 * New feature: easy access to current color within color expressions. * New option: `override' to replace \definecolor by \xdefinecolor. * New command: \tracingcolors for logging color-specific information. 2003/09/21 v1.03 * Change: bypass strange behaviour of some drivers. * New feature: driver-sharing with `hyperref'. 2003/09/19 v1.02 * Change: \extractcolorspec and \colorlet now also accept color series as arguments. 2003/09/15 v1.01 * New feature: \definecolorseries and friends. * Documentation: removed some `doc'-related side-effects. * Code re-organisation: all calculation-related tools put to one place. * Bugfixes: - \@rdivide: added \relax to fix problem with negative numerators; - \rowc@l@rs: replaced \@ifempty by \@ifxempty. 2003/09/09 v1.00 * First published release.