Package `xcolor' by Dr. Uwe Kern (xcolor at ukern dot de) v2.00 (2004/07/04) `xcolor' provides easy driver-independent access to several kinds of colors, tints, shades, tones, and mixes of arbitrary colors by means of color expressions like \color{red!50!green!20!blue}. It allows to select a document-wide target color model and offers tools for automatic color schemes, conversion between nine color models, alternating table row colors, color blending and masking, and color separation. Installation instructions ========================= Extract all package files: `latex xcolor.ins' Create the documentation: `latex xcolor.dtx' `latex xcolor.dtx' `makeindex -s xcolor.idx' `latex xcolor.dtx' `latex xcolor.dtx' Run the test files (N=1,2,...): `latex xcolorN.tex' `latex xcolorN.tex' Notes ===== - `xcolor1.tex' should run with both LaTeX and pdfLaTeX, it yields a 50-page document with several systematic color conversion examples - `xcolor2.tex' is a 2-page `pstricks' example document that won't run with pdfLaTeX - `xcolor3.tex' is a 1-page example for demonstrating the logging facilities - If the file `xcolor.ins' is missing, run `latex xcolor.dtx' once and quit the LaTeX compiler as soon as the first error message appears. History ======= See file `ChangeLog'.