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Variable definition and assignment page 7 of 37

Given a user-defined data type such as Dog, we would like to create an instance of Dog and use it subsequently in a program. Doing so requires both variable definition and assignment operations. A data definition operation specifies a data type and a variable name, and optionally, an initial value:

Data Definition
<data-type> <variable>;
<data-type> <variable-1>, <variable-2>, ..., <variable-n>;
<data-type> <variable> = <data-value>;

The data type may be a primitive, or built-in, type or a user-defined type such as Dog. The value may be a literal value or an instance of a user-defined type such as Dog. Primitive data types are discussed in Data types.

Several examples of data definitions follow:

Data Definition Examples
int x;
int x = 9;
boolean terminate = false;
Dog dog = new Dog();

The new operator is described in the next panel (Creating class instances).

An assignment operation can occur in the following contexts:

Assignment Operation
<data-type> <variable> = <data-value>;
<data-type> <variable>;
<variable> = <data-value>;

The data value to the right of the assignment operator can be a literal value, or any operation that produces a scalar value. Several examples follow:

Assignment ExampleComment
int x = 4;Data definition with assignment
x = 9;Assumes prior definition of x
temperature = 21.4;Assumes prior definition of temperature
dog = new Dog();Assumes prior definition of dog

copyright 1996-2000 Magelang Institute dba jGuru

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