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5. Defining and Using Java Methods: Tasks page 14 of 31

For this exercise, you will define and use some Java methods. The methods are technically instance methods, but you can think of them as plain old functions or procedures from your previous programming experience.

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  • None.


  • Task 1

    Define a method called sayHello() in class Methodcall, provided in the skeleton code, that has no arguments and no return value. Make the body of the method simply print "Hello."

  • Task 2

    Make the start() method of Methodcall call sayHello().

  • Task 3

    Define a method called addTwo() that takes an integer argument, adds 2 to it, and returns that result.

  • Task 4

    In the start() method of Methodcall, define a local integer variable and initialize it to the result of calling addTwo(3). Print out the variable; that is, print out the result of the method call. Define another local integer variable initialize it to the result of calling addTwo(19). Print out its result.

Help for each of these tasks can be found on the next page.

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