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10. MusicStore: Adding Titles: Tasks page 29 of 31

For this exercise you add the capability for managing multiple music titles, that is, storing, retrieving, and displaying titles.

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PrerequisitesSkeleton Code


  • Task 1

    Create the user-defined data type MusicTitle with two String instance variables, title and artist, initialized to a "noname"-type of value to enhance debugging. Implement get and set access methods for both instance variables.

  • Task 2

    Add the instance variable titles of type MusicTitle[] to MusicStore, initialized to null, and then implement the access methods setTitles() and getTitles().

  • Task 3

    Add a displayMusicTitles() method to MusicStore that traverses the array of titles and displays the title-artist data.

  • Task 4

    Modify TestMusicStore to test/display the functionality of MusicStore's displayMusicTitles() method.

  • Task 5

    Compile the source code for MusicStore and TestMusicStore.

  • Task 6

    Execute TestMusicStore.

Help for each of these tasks can be found on the next page.

copyright 1996-2000 Magelang Institute dba jGuru

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