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object trees: glossary definition Glossary
ODBC Administrator: glossary definition Glossary
ODBC data sources: glossary definition Glossary
ODBC: development tools ODBC applications
ODBC: glossary definition Glossary
ODBC: introduction to data sources Creating an ODBC data source
OLE DB and ADO programming interfaces Microsoft Visual Basic Quick Start
OLE DB: development tools OLE DB applications
ON phrase: introduction Using the ON phrase to restrict a join
one-to-many relationships: definition of Lesson 6: Design and create relationships between tables
one-to-one relationships: definition of Lesson 6: Design and create relationships between tables
Open Client: development tools Open Client applications
opening multiple Interactive SQL windows Opening multiple windows
operating systems: supported Adaptive Server Anywhere hallmarks
optimization of queries: Adaptive Server Anywhere hallmarks Adaptive Server Anywhere hallmarks
ORDER BY clause: examples Ordering query results
ORDER BY clause: required to ensure rows always appear in same order Ordering query results
ORDER BY clause: using indexes to improve performance Using indexes to improve ORDER BY performance
outer joins: glossary definition Glossary
outer joins: introduction Joining tables using outer joins
outer references: defined Using subqueries instead of joins