Contents Index The title line The Encodings section

ASA Database Administration Guide
  International Languages and Character Sets
    Collation internals

The Collation section

After the title line, each non-comment line describes one position in the collation. The ordering of the lines determines the sort ordering used by the database, and determines the result of comparisons. Characters on lines appearing higher in the file (closer to the beginning) sort before characters that appear later.

The form of each line in the sequence is:

[sort-position] :
      character [ [,
      character ] ...]


[sort-position] :
      character [lowercase

Descriptions of arguments 
Argument Description
sort-position Optional. Specifies the position at which the characters on that line will sort. Smaller numbers represent a lesser value, so will sort closer to the beginning of the sorted set. Typically, the sort-position is omitted, and the characters sort immediately following the characters from the previous sort position.
character The character whose sort-position is being specified.
lowercase Optional. Specifies the lowercase equivalent of the character. If not specified, the character has no lowercase equivalent.
uppercase Optional. Specifies the uppercase equivalent of the character. If not specified, the character has no uppercase equivalent.

Multiple characters may appear on one line, separated by commas (,). In this case, these characters are sorted and compared as if they were the same character.

Specifying character and sort-position 

Each character and sort position is specified in one of the following ways:

Specification Description
\dnnn Decimal number, using digits 0-9 (such as \d001)
\xhh Hexadecimal number, using digits 0-9 and letters a-f or A-F (such as \xB4)
'c' Any character in place of c (such as ',')
c Any character other than quote ('), back-slash (\), colon (:) or comma (,). These characters must use one of the previous forms.

The following are some sample lines for a collation:

% Sort some special characters at the beginning:
: ' '
: _
: \xF2
: \xEE
: \xF0
: -
: ','
: ;
: ':'
: !
% Sort some letters in alphabetical order
: A a A
: a a A
: B b B
: b b B
% Sort some E's from code page 850,
% including some accented extended characters:
: e e E, \x82 \x82 \x90, \x8A \x8A \xD4
: E e E, \x90 \x82 \x90, \xD4 \x8A \xD4
Other syntax notes 

For databases using case insensitive sorting and comparison (no -c specified in the dbinit command), the lower case and upper case mappings are used to find the lower case and upper case characters that are sorted together.

For multibyte character sets, the first byte of a character is listed in the collation sequence, and all characters with the same first byte are sorted together, and ordered according to the value of the following bytes. For example, the following is part of the Shift-JIS collation file:

:   \xfb
:   \xfc
:   \xfd

In this collation, all characters with first byte \xfc come after all characters with first byte \xfb and before all characters with first byte \xfd. The two-byte character \xfc \x01 would be ordered before the two-byte character \xfc \x02.

Any characters omitted from the collation are added to the end of the collation. The tool that processes the collation file issues a warning.

Contents Index The title line The Encodings section