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ASA Database Administration Guide
  International Languages and Character Sets

Collation internals

This section describes internal technical details of collations, including the file format of collation files.

This section is of particular use if you want to create a database using a custom collation. For information on the steps involved, see Creating a custom collation, and Creating a database with a custom collation.

You can create a database using a collation different from the supplied collations. This section describes how to build databases using such custom collations.

In building multibyte custom collations, you can specify which ranges of values for the first byte signify single- and double-byte (or more) characters, and which specify space, alpha, and digit characters. However, all first bytes of value less than \x40 must be single-byte characters, and no follow bytes may have values less than \x40. This restriction is satisfied by all supported encodings.

Collation files may include the following elements:

Comment lines
The title line
The Collation section
The Encodings section
The Properties section

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