Contents Index Scheduling backups A backup scheme for databases not involved in replication

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Backup and Data Recovery
    Designing backup procedures

A backup scheme for when disk space is plentiful

If disk space is not a problem on your production machine (where the database server is running) then you do not need to worry about choosing special options to manage the transaction log file. In this case, you can use a simple form of backup that makes copies of the database file and transaction log, and leaves the transaction log in place. All backups leave the database file in place.

A full backup of this kind is illustrated in the figure below. In an incremental backup, only the transaction log is backed up.

In a full backup, the database file and log file are copied to the backup directory. The backup leaves the database file and log file in place.

For more information on how to carry out backups of this type, see Making a backup, continuing to use the original transaction log.

Contents Index Scheduling backups A backup scheme for databases not involved in replication