Contents Index Validating a transaction log Making a backup, deleting the original transaction log

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Backup and Data Recovery
    Backup and recovery tasks

Making a backup, continuing to use the original transaction log

This task describes the simplest kind of backup, which leaves the transaction log untouched.

For more information about when to use this type of backup, see A backup scheme for when disk space is plentiful.

To make a backup, continuing to use the original transaction log (Sybase Central)

  1. Start Sybase Central. Connect to the database as a user with DBA authority.

  2. Right-click the database and choose Create Backup Images from the popup menu. The Create Backup Images wizard appears.

  3. Click Next on the introductory page of the wizard.

  4. Select the database that you want to back up.

  5. On the next page, enter the name of a directory to hold the backup copies, and choose whether to carry out a complete backup (all database files) or an incremental backup (transaction log file only).

  6. On the next page, select the option Continue To Use The Same Transaction Log.

  7. Click Finish to start the backup.

The procedure describes a client-side backup. There are more options available for this kind of backup.

If you choose a server-side backup, and the server is running on a different machine from Sybase Central, you cannot use the Browse button to locate a directory in which to place the backups. The Browse button browses the client machine, while the backup directory is relative to the server.

To make a backup, continuing to use the original transaction log (SQL)

To make a backup, continuing to use the original transaction log (Command line)

Contents Index Validating a transaction log Making a backup, deleting the original transaction log