Contents Index The Log Transfer Manager Log Transfer Manager utility options

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Log Transfer Manager

Using the dbltm command-line utility


dbltm [ options ]

Option Description
-A Do not filter updates
-C config_file Use the named configuration file
-I interface_file Use the named interface file
-M Recovery mode
-S LTM_name Specify an LTM name
-dl Display log messages on screen
-ek key Specify encryption key
-ep Prompt for encryption key
-o filename Log output messages to a file
-os size Maximum size of output file
-ot file Truncate file, and log output messages to file
-q Run in minimized window
-s Show Log Transfer Language (LTL) commands
-ud Run as a daemon [UNIX]
-v Verbose mode

The Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM reads a database transaction log and sends committed changes to Replication Server. The LTM is not required at replicate sites.

The LTM sends messages to Replication Server in a language named Log Transfer Language (LTL).

By default, the LTM uses a log file named DBLTM.LOG to hold status and other messages. You can use options to change the name of this file and to change the volume and type of messages that are sent to it.

Exit codes are 0 (success) or non-zero (failure).

This utility accepts @filename parameters. For more information, see @filename server option.

Log Transfer Manager utility options

Contents Index The Log Transfer Manager Log Transfer Manager utility options