Contents Index Using the dbltm command-line utility The LTM configuration file

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Log Transfer Manager
      Using the dbltm command-line utility

Log Transfer Manager utility options

Use configuration file (-C)    Use the configuration file config_file to determine the LTM settings. The default configuration file is dbltm.cfg.

For a description of the configuration file, see The LTM configuration file.

Use interface file (-I)    (Upper case i.) Use the named interfaces file. The interfaces file is the file created by SQLEDIT which holds the connection information for Open Servers. The default interfaces file is SQL.ini in the ini subdirectory of your Sybase directory.

Specify LTM name (-S)    Provides the server name for this LTM. The default LTM_name is DBLTM_LTM. The LTM_name must correspond to the Open Server name for the LTM that was entered in SQLEDIT.

Do not filter updates (-A)    Do not filter updates. By default, all changes made by the maintenance user are not replicated. If the -A option is set, these changes are replicated. This may be useful in non-hierarchical Replication Server installations, where a database acts as both a replicate site and as a primary site.

Recover mode (-M)    This is used to initiate recovery actions. The LTM starts reading logs from the earliest available position. If the offline directory is specified in the configuration file, the LTM reads from the oldest offline log file.

Specify encryption key (-ek)    This option allows you to specify the encryption key for strongly encrypted databases directly in the command. If you have a strongly encrypted database, you must provide the encryption key to use the database or transaction log in any way, including offline transaction logs. For strongly encrypted databases, you must specify either -ek or -ep, but not both. The command fails if you do not specify a key for a strongly encrypted database.

Prompt for encryption key (-ep)    This option allows you to specify that you want to be prompted for the encryption key. This option causes a dialog box to appear, in which you enter the encryption key. It provides an extra measure of security by never allowing the encryption key to be seen in clear text. For strongly encrypted databases, you must specify either -ek or -ep, but not both. The command fails if you do not specify a key for a strongly encrypted database.

Display Log Transfer Language messages (-dl)    Display Log Transfer Language (LTL) messages in the LTM window or at the command prompt and also in the log file. This should be used only to diagnose problems, and is not recommended in a production environment. It carries a significant performance penalty.

Log output messages to file (-o)    Use a log file different from the default (dbltm.log). Write output messages from log transfer operations to this file.

Limit size of output file (-os)    Specify the maximum size of the output file, in bytes. The minimum value is 10000 (ten thousand). If the log file grows to the point where it would exceed this limit, it is renamed to yymmddAA.log, and a new file named yymmddAB.log is started. The value of xx in yymmddxx.log is incremented for each file created on a given day.

Truncate log file and use named log file (-ot)    Use a log file different from the default (dbltm.log), and truncate the log file (all existing content is deleted) when the LTM starts. Output messages from log transfer operations are sent to this file for later review.

Operate quietly (-q)    Minimize the window when the LTM is started.

Log all LTL commands (-s)    Log all LTL commands that are generated by the LTM. This should be used only to diagnose problems, and is not recommended in a production environment. It carries a significant performance penalty.

Run as a daemon (-ud)    You can run the LTM as a daemon on UNIX operating systems. If you run in this manner, output is logged to the log file.

Operate in verbose mode (-v)    Displays messages, other than LTL messages, for debugging purposes.

Contents Index Using the dbltm command-line utility The LTM configuration file