Contents Index Translating a transaction log using the Translate Log File wizard Log translation utility options

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Log Translation utility

Translating a transaction log using the dbtran command-line utility


Running against a transaction log.

dbtran [   options ] transaction-log [ SQL-file ]

Running against a database server.

dbtran [ options ]

Option Description
-a Include uncommitted transactions
-c "keyword=value; ..." Supply database connection parameters—cannot be used with a transaction log name
-d Display output in chronological order
-ek key Specify encryption key
-ep Prompt for encryption key
-f Output only since the last checkpoint
-g Include audit records in output
-ir offset1,offset2 Include only the portion of the log between the two specified offsets
-is source,... Include only rows originating from the specified sources
-it user.table,... Include only operations on specified tables by specifying a comma-delimited list of user.table
-j date/time Output from the last checkpoint prior to the given time
-m Specify transaction logs directory (requires -n option)
-n filename Output SQL file, when used against a database server
-o filename Log output messages to a file
-q Run quietly, do not print messages
-r Remove uncommitted transactions (default)
-rsu username,... Override default Replication Server user names
-s Produce ANSI standard SQL UPDATE transactions
-sr Generate SQL Remote comments
-t Include trigger-generated transactions in output
-u userid,... Translate transactions for listed users only
-x userid,... Exclude transactions for listed users
-y Replace file without confirmation
-z Include trigger-generated transactions as comments only
Transaction-log Log file to be translated—cannot be used together with -c or -n
SQL-file Output file containing the translated information—for use with transaction-log only

The dbtran utility takes the information in a transaction log and places it as a set of SQL statements and comments into an output file. The utility can be run in the following ways:

dbtran -c "eng=asademo9;dbn=asademo;uid=DBA;pwd=SQL" -n asademo.sql

When the dbtran utility runs, it displays the earliest log offset in the transaction log. This can be an effective method for determining the order in which multiple log files were generated.

Exit codes are 0 (success) or non-zero (failure).

For more information about the Log translation utility options, see Log translation utility options.

This utility accepts @filename parameters. For more information, see @filename server option.

Log translation utility options

Contents Index Translating a transaction log using the Translate Log File wizard Log translation utility options