Contents Index Upgrading databases that are too old for the Upgrade utility Upgrade utility options

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Upgrade utility

Upgrading a database using the dbupgrad command-line utility


dbupgrad [ options ]

Option Description
-c "keyword=value; ..." Supply database connection parameters
-I Do not install Sybase jConnect support
-j Do not install runtime Java classes
-ja Add runtime Java classes
-jdk version Install entries for the named version of the Java Development Kit
-jr Remove runtime Java classes
-o filename Log output messages to a file
-q Quiet mode—no windows or messages

The dbupgrad utility upgrades a database created with earlier versions of the software to enable features from the current version of the software. The earliest version that can be upgraded is Watcom SQL 3.2. While later versions of the database server do run against databases were created with earlier releases of the software, some of the features introduced since the version that created the database are unavailable unless the database is upgraded.

Exit codes are 0 (success) or non-zero (failure).

For more information about the Upgrade utility options, see Upgrade utility options.

This utility accepts @filename parameters. For more information, see @filename server option.

Not all features made available 
Features that require a physical reorganization of the database file are not made available by dbupgrad. Such features include index enhancements and changes in data storage. To obtain the benefits of these enhancements, you must unload and reload your database.

For more information, see Upgrading the database file format.

Java in the database 

By default, Java in the database is not included in new databases. Java in the database is removed from the database during an upgrade if:

Upgrade utility options

Contents Index Upgrading databases that are too old for the Upgrade utility Upgrade utility options