Contents Index Validating a database using the Validate Database wizard Validation utility options

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Validation utility

Validating a database using the dbvalid command-line utility


dbvalid [ options ] [ object-name,... ]

Option Description
object-name The name of a table or (if -i is used) an index to validate
-c "keyword=value; ..." Supply database connection parameters
-o filename Log output messages to a file
-f Validate tables with full check
-fd Validate tables with data check
-fi Validate tables with index check
-fx Validate tables with express check
-I Each object-name is an index
-q Quiet mode—do not print messages
-t Each object-name is a table

With the Validation utility, you can validate the indexes and keys on some or all of the tables in the database. This utility scans the entire table, and confirms that each row in the table exists in the appropriate indexes. It is equivalent to running the VALIDATE TABLE statement on each table.

Exit codes are:

Program Exit Code Description
0 database validated successfully
1 general failure in utility
2 error validating database
7 unable to find database to connect to (database name is wrong)
8 unable to connect to database (user ID/password is wrong
11 unable to find server to connect to (server name is wrong)
12 incorrect encryption key for starting database

For information on specific checks made during validation, see VALIDATE TABLE statement.

For more information about the Validation utility options, see Validation utility options.

This utility accepts @filename parameters. For more information, see @filename server option.

Validation utility options

Contents Index Validating a database using the Validate Database wizard Validation utility options