Contents Index Validating a database using the dbvalid command-line utility The Write File utility

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Validation utility
      Validating a database using the dbvalid command-line utility

Validation utility options

Connection parameters (-c)    For a description of the connection parameters, see Connection parameters. The user ID must have DBA authority or REMOTE DBA authority.

For example, the following validates the sample database, connecting as user DBA with password SQL:

dbvalid -c "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL;dbf=c:\asa\asademo.db"

Full check for each table (-f)    In addition to the default validation checks, carry out both data checks (-fd) and index checks (-fi). This corresponds to the WITH FULL CHECK option on the VALIDATE TABLE statement. Depending on the contents of your database, this option may significantly extend the time required to validate.

Data check for each table (-fd)    In addition to the default validation checks, check that all of each LONG BINARY, LONG VARCHAR, TEXT, or IMAGE data type can be read. This corresponds to the WITH DATA CHECK option on the VALIDATE TABLE statement. Depending on the contents of your database, this option may significantly extend the time required to validate.

Index check for each table (-fi)    In addition to the default validation checks, validate each index on the table. This corresponds to the WITH INDEX CHECK option on the VALIDATE TABLE statement. Depending on the contents of your database, this option may significantly extend the time required to validate.

Express check for each table (-fx)    In addition to the default and data checks (-fd), check that the number of rows in the table matches the number of entries in the index. This corresponds to the WITH EXPRESS CHECK option on the VALIDATE TABLE STATEMENT. This option does not perform individual index lookups for each row. Using this option can significantly improve performance when validating large databases with a small cache. This option is only available for databases created with version 8.0 or later of Adaptive Server Anywhere.

Validate specified indexes (-i)    Instead of validating tables, validate indexes. In this case, for dbvalid, each of the object-name values supplied represents an index rather than a table, and has a name of the following form:

[ [

Log output messages to file (-o)    Write output messages to the named file.

Operate quietly (-q)    Do not display output messages. This option is available only when you run this utility from the command prompt.

Validate tables (-t)    The list of object-name values represents a list of tables. This is also the default behavior.

Contents Index Validating a database using the dbvalid command-line utility The Write File utility