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ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Options

Replication options

The following options are included to provide control over replication behavior. Some replication options are useful for SQL Remote replication, and some are relevant for use with Sybase Replication Server.

BLOB_THRESHOLD option [replication] Integer 256
COMPRESSION option [replication] Integer, from -1 to 9 6
DELETE_OLD_LOGS option [replication] ON, OFF OFF
QUALIFY_OWNERS option [replication] ON, OFF ON
QUOTE_ALL_IDENTIFIERS option [replication] ON, OFF OFF
REPLICATE_ALL option [replication] ON, OFF OFF
REPLICATION_ERROR option [replication] Procedure-name (no procedure)
REPLICATION_ERROR_PIECE option [replication] Procedure-name (no procedure)
SUBSCRIBE_BY_REMOTE option [replication] ON, OFF ON
VERIFY_ALL_COLUMNS option [replication] ON, OFF OFF
VERIFY_THRESHOLD option [replication] Integer 1 000

Contents Index Compatibility options Interactive SQL options