Contents Index Parts of the synchronization system Supported consolidated databases

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronization Basics

Consolidated database

Applications synchronize with a central, consolidated database. This database is the master repository of information in the synchronization system.

There are many ways to structure the relations between consolidated and remote databases. Following are two examples.

The schema of the remote databases can be a subset of the schema of the consolidated database. For example, a table called emp might be repeated among a number of different remote sites, and the consolidated database might use column data from emp.salary in a table called expense. In this instance, the schemas of the consolidated and remote databases are different, though data is shared.

The schema of the remote database can also be parallel in structure to the schema of the consolidated database. Here, the schema of the consolidated database is a reference for the remote database. In the consolidated database, you may already have tables that correspond to each of the remote tables. In this instance, the schemas in the consolidated and remote databases are virtually the same, and the data in the remote is only a subset of the data on the consolidated.

You write synchronization scripts for each table in the remote database and you save these scripts on the consolidated database. These scripts, from their central location on the consolidated database, direct the synchronization server in moving data between remote and consolidated databases. One script for a particular remote table tells the synchronization server where to store data uploaded from that remote table in the consolidated database. Another script tells the synchronization server which data to download to the same remote table.

Supported consolidated databases
How remote tables relate to consolidated tables
Setting up a consolidated database

Contents Index Parts of the synchronization system Supported consolidated databases