Contents Index Handling deletes Downloading a result set from a stored procedure call

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronization Techniques

Handling failed downloads

Bookkeeping information about what is downloaded must be maintained in the download transaction. This information is updated atomically with the download being applied to the remote database.

If a failure occurs before the entire download stream is applied to the remote database, by default the MobiLink synchronization server does not get confirmation for the download and rolls back the download transaction. Since the bookkeeping information is part of the download transaction, it is also rolled back. Next time the download stream is built, it will use the original bookkeeping information. You can change this default behavior. For more information, see SendDownloadACK (sa) extended option or Send Download Acknowledgement synchronization parameter.

When testing your synchronization scripts, you should add logic to your end_download script that causes occasional failures. This will ensure that your scripts can handle a failed download.

Contents Index Handling deletes Downloading a result set from a stored procedure call