Contents Index SendColumnNames (scn) extended option SendTriggers (st) extended option

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Client
    dbmlsync options
      -e extended options

SendDownloadACK (sa) extended option


Specifies that a download acknowledgement should be sent from the client to the server.


dbmlsync -e sa= { ON | OFF }; ...


Turning the acknowledgement off (the default) can lead to less contention in the consolidated database and also increased throughput due to shorter download transactions. Download transactions are shorter because they are committed or rolled back as soon as possible, since MobiLink doesn't need to keep these transactions open for as long as it takes the remote client to apply the download. Enable client side download buffering to get the most performance out of eliminating the download acknowledgement. It is recommended that SendDownloadAck be set to OFF.

For more information about improving performance by turning off the download acknowledgement, see Performance tips.

Note: When SendDownloadAck is set to ON and you are in verbose mode, an acknowledgement line is written to the client log.

The default is OFF.

This option has a short form and long form: you can use sa or SendDownloadACK.

You can also store extended options in the database. For more information about dbmlsync extended options, see -e extended options.


The following dbmlsync command line illustrates how you can set this option when you start dbmlsync:

dbmlsync -e "sa=off"

The following SQL statement illustrates how you can store this option in the database:

   TO sales_publication
   FOR ml_user1
   OPTION sa='off';

Contents Index SendColumnNames (scn) extended option SendTriggers (st) extended option