Contents Index HotSync configuration overview Checking that MobiLink HotSync conduit installation is correct

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  UltraLite Clients
    Synchronizing UltraLite databases on the Palm Computing Platform

Registering the MobiLink HotSync conduit to HotSync Manager

UltraLite includes a command line conduit installation utility named dbcond9 to make a set of registry entries for the HotSync Manager to be able to use the MobiLink conduit. This utility requires the following files:

To deploy the conduit installation utility

  1. Choose a top-level deployment directory.

    For example, you may choose a directory named c:\deploy.

  2. Add a registry entry with the full path of the deployment directory as its value.

    The registry entry must be as follows:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\Adaptive Server Anywhere\version-string\Location

    where version-string is a number representing your version of the SQL Anywhere Studio (such as 9.0). If the entry is not found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, the software looks in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

  3. Add the dbcond9.exe file to the win32 subdirectory of the deployment directory.

  4. Add the condmgr.dll file.

    The condmgr.dll file must go in the win32\condmgr subdirectory of the deployment directory.

The SQL Anywhere Studio installation creates the required registry entries and places files in the appropriate locations.

To register the MobiLink HotSync conduit to HotSync Manager

  1. Ensure that the HotSync conduit files and the files for the conduit installation utility are in place.

  2. Run the conduit installation utility. On the command line, you must specify the creator ID of the Palm application and a name that HotSync will use to identify the conduit.

    For example, the following command installs a conduit for the application with creator ID Syb2, named CustDB. These are the settings for the CustDB sample application:

    dbcond9 "Syb2" -n CustDB

    For more information about the conduit installation utility, see The HotSync conduit installation utility.


    A secondary location for HotSync synchronization depends on the version of the Palm Computing Platform software you are using. This secondary location may be under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm Computing folders.

Contents Index HotSync configuration overview Checking that MobiLink HotSync conduit installation is correct