Contents Index Understanding HotSync synchronization Registering the MobiLink HotSync conduit to HotSync Manager

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  UltraLite Clients
    Synchronizing UltraLite databases on the Palm Computing Platform

HotSync configuration overview

During HotSync synchronization, the HotSync Manager starts the MobiLink HotSync conduit, dbhsync9.dll, which reads from the device and then sends the upload stream to a MobiLink synchronization server. It then receives the download stream from the MobiLink synchronization server and writes the download to the device.

The MobiLink HotSync conduit synchronizes with the MobiLink synchronization server using one of TCP/IP, HTTP, or HTTPS streams.

In most applications, only the MobiLink HotSync conduit is deployed onto the desktop machines of users.

For information about HotSync architecture, see Understanding HotSync synchronization.

To install and configure the MobiLink HotSync conduit

  1. Place the MobiLink conduit files on the user's machine.

    For instructions, see Conduit files.

  2. Register the MobiLink conduit to the HotSync Manager. The HotSync Manager is then able to use the MobiLink conduit.

    For instructions, see Registering the MobiLink HotSync conduit to HotSync Manager.

  3. If you did not include a stream_parms parameter in your UltraLite ul_synch_info structure, enter these parameters from the HotSync Manager.

    For instructions, see Configuring the MobiLink HotSync conduit.

    For information about including stream_parms parameter in your UltraLite synchronization call, see Adding HotSync synchronization to Palm applications.

  4. If you are using an encrypted database, enter the encryption key in the conduit configuration dialog. If you do not enter this key, you will have to enter it on every synchronization.

    For instructions, see Configuring the MobiLink HotSync conduit.

Conduit files 

The HotSync conduit consists of the following files:

These files should be in the same directory, in your system path. When you install SQL Anywhere Studio, they are installed into the operating system subdirectory of your installation directory, which is already in the system path. However, you do not have to install SQL Anywhere Studio to use these files.

Contents Index Understanding HotSync synchronization Registering the MobiLink HotSync conduit to HotSync Manager