Contents Index Introduction Using the MobiLink Monitor

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  MobiLink Monitor

Starting the MobiLink Monitor

If synchronization is already occurring when the MobiLink Monitor is started, the Monitor must wait until a worker thread is free before it can start monitoring. Therefore, you may want to start the Monitor before starting synchronizations. Once the Monitor is running it does not use a MobiLink worker thread.

You can have one instance of the Monitor running for each MobiLink synchronization server.

To start monitoring data

  1. From the Start menu, choose Programs > SQL Anywhere 9 > MobiLink > MobiLink Monitor.

    Alternatively, you can type dbmlmon at a command prompt. For details, see below.

  2. Start your consolidated database and MobiLink synchronization server, if they are not already running.

  3. In the MobiLink Monitor, choose Monitor > Connect to MobiLink Server.

    The Connect to MobiLink Server dialog appears.

    A Monitor connection starts like a synchronization connection to the MobiLink synchronization server. For example, if you started the MobiLink server with -zu+ then it doesn't matter what user ID you use here. For all MobiLink Monitor sessions, the script version is set to for_ML_Monitor_only.

    The Connect to MobiLink Server dialog should be completed as follows:

    In the following example, the outgoing port range is restricted to 50000-51000, and a persistent HTTP connection is used.

    The Connect dialog.
  4. Start synchronizing.

    The data appears in the Monitor as it is collected.

Starting dbmlmon on the command line 

You can also start the MobiLink Monitor on the command line, using the following syntax:

dbmlmon [ connect-options | inputfile.{ mlm | csv } | -? ]


connect-options    can be one or more of the following:

-u ml_username

-p password

-x { tcpip | http | https } [ ( keyword=value;... ) ]

-o outputfile.{ mlm | csv }

-?    You can type dbmlmon -? to view the dbmlmon syntax.

To stop the MobiLink Monitor

  1. In the Monitor, choose Monitor > Disconnect from MobiLink Server. This stops the collection of data.

    You can also stop collecting data by shutting down the MobiLink synchronization server or closing the Monitor.

    Before closing the Monitor, you can save the data for the session. For more information, see Saving Monitor data.

  2. When you are ready to close the Monitor, choose File > Close.

Contents Index Introduction Using the MobiLink Monitor