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MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  MobiLink Monitor
    Using the MobiLink Monitor

Chart pane

The Chart pane presents the same information as the Details Table, but in graphical format. The bars in the Chart represent the length of time taken by each synchronization, with subsections of the bars representing the phases of the synchronization.

Viewing data 

Click a synchronization to select that synchronization in the Details Table.

Double-click a synchronization to open the Synchronization Session Properties for the synchronization. For more information, see Synchronization Properties.

Grouping data by thread or user 

You can group the data by worker thread or by user. Choose View > By User or View > By Worker Thread.

Zooming in on data 

There are three ways to select the data that is visible:

Time axis 

At the bottom of the Chart pane there is a scale showing time periods. The format of the time is readjusted automatically depending on the span of time that is displayed. You can always see the complete date-time by hovering your cursor over the scale.

Default color scheme 

You can view or set the colors in the Chart pane by opening the Options dialog (available from the Tools menu). The default color scheme for the Chart pane uses green for uploads, red for downloads, and blue for begin and end phases, with a darker shade for earlier parts of a phase.

For information about setting colors, see Options.

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