Contents Index Lesson 1: Creating and populating your databases Lesson 3: Running the MobiLink synchronization client

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Tutorial: Synchronizing Adaptive Server Anywhere Databases

Lesson 2: Running the MobiLink synchronization server

Your consolidated database must be running prior to running MobiLink. If you shut down your consolidated database following Lesson 1, you should restart the database. You can start the MobiLink synchronization server from a command prompt.

To start the MobiLink synchronization server

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the Samples\MobiLink\AutoScripting subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere 9 installation.

  2. Run the following command line:

    dbmlsrv9 -c "dsn=test_consol" -o -v+ -dl -za -zu+

This command line specifies the following options:

Once you have executed the MobiLink synchronization server command, the output below appears.

A MobiLink output screen, with a display screen showing Ready to Handle Requests.

If MobiLink is already running when you attempt to run dbmlsrv9, you will receive an error message. Shut down the current instance of MobiLink and run the command again.

Further reading 

For more information about the MobiLink synchronization server, see The MobiLink synchronization server.

For a complete list of dbmlsrv9 options, see MobiLink Synchronization Server Options.

Contents Index Lesson 1: Creating and populating your databases Lesson 3: Running the MobiLink synchronization client