Contents Index -w option -x option

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Server Options
    MobiLink synchronization server
      dbmlsrv9 options

-wu option


Sets the maximum number of worker threads that can apply uploads simultaneously.


dbmlsrv9 -c "connection-string" -wu count ...


Use the -wu option to limit the number of worker threads that can simultaneously apply uploads. When the limit is reached, a worker thread that is ready to apply its upload must wait until another finishes its upload. The excess worker threads are still free to receive uploads or to download.

The most common cause of contention in the consolidated database is having too many worker threads applying uploads simultaneously. This can be an issue when the network connection is slow, or when the client device has low processing speed. For example, when working over a wide-area wireless network or using a Palm device you may want to increase the total number of threads (-w) but limit the number that can apply uploads simultaneously.

Consider the following example. In a pilot setup using a LAN and remote databases on PCs, you find that the optimum number of worker threads is approximately 10 for both upload-only and download-only synchronizations, and that corresponds to 100% CPU utilization on the consolidated database. With fewer worker threads you find that throughput is less and the CPU utilization for the consolidated database is lower. With more worker threads, throughput does not increase because the consolidated database is already processing as fast as it can with 10 workers. When you switch to using a dialup network with 10 MobiLink worker threads, you will probably find that throughput is lower and the consolidated CPU utilization has dropped. You may find that you can get throughput (and consolidated CPU utilization) to approach the values obtained with the LAN by increasing the number of worker threads (via -w) while keeping the number that apply uploads simultaneously limited to 10 (via -wu).

By default, all worker threads can apply uploads simultaneously. The number of worker threads that are used is set by the -w option. The default is 5.

Contents Index -w option -x option