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MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Server Options

MobiLink synchronization server

The MobiLink synchronization server lets you synchronize remote databases or applications with an ODBC-compliant consolidated database.


Start a MobiLink synchronization server.


dbmlsrv9 -c "connection-string" [ options ]

Option Description
-a Disable automatic reconnection upon synchronization error. See -a option.
-b Trim blank padding of strings. See -b option.
-bc size Specify the amount of memory to reserve for blob caching. See -bc option.
-bn size Specify the maximum number of bytes to consider when comparing blobs for conflict detection. See -bn option.
-c "keyword=value; ..." Supply ODBC database connection parameters for your consolidated database. See -c option.
-cn connections Set the maximum number of simultaneous connections with the consolidated database server. See -cn option.
-cr count Set the maximum number of database connection retries. See -cr option.
-ct connection-timeout Set the length of time a connection may be unused before it is timed out. See -ct option.
-d number Specify the size of the download cache. See -d option.
-dl Display all log messages on the console. See -dl option.
-e filename Store remote error logs sent into the named file. See -e option.
-et filename Truncate the file and append remote synchronization logs to the new file. See -et option.
-f Assume synchronization scripts do not change. See -f option.
-fr If table data scripts are missing, synchronization will not abort, but just issue an error. See -fr option.
-o logfile Log messages to a file. See -o option.
-on size Set maximum size for log file. See -on option.
-oq Prevent the popup dialog on startup error. See -oq option.
-os size Maximum size of output file. See -os option.
-ot logfile Log messages to a file, but truncate it first. See -ot option.
-ps num Set maximum number of prepared statements to cache per connection. See -ps option.
-q Minimize the synchronization server window. See -q option.
-r retries Retry deadlocked uploads at most this many times. See -r option.
-rd delay Set maximum delay, in seconds, before retrying a deadlocked transaction. See -rd option.
-s count Specify the maximum number of rows to be fetched or sent at once. See -s option.
-sl dnet script-options Set the .NET CLR options and force loading of the virtual machine on startup. See -sl dnet option.
-sl java script-options Set the Java virtual machine options and force loading of the virtual machine on startup. See -sl java option.
-t ODBC-output-file Log ODBC calls issued by MobiLink to this file. See -t option.
-tt ODBC-output-file Log ODBC calls issued by MobiLink to this file, but first delete the file if it exists. See -tt option.
-u size Specify the amount of memory to reserve for caching upload streams. See -u option.
-ud On UNIX platforms, run as a daemon. See -ud option.
-v [ levels ] Controls the type of messages written to the log file. See -v option.
-w count Set the number of worker threads. See -w option.
-wu count Set the maximum number of worker threads permitted to process uploads concurrently. See -wu option.
-x protocol[ (network-parameters) ] Specify the communications protocol. Optionally, specify network parameters in form parameter=value, with multiple parameters separated by semicolons. See -x option.
-za Allow generation of active scripts. See -za option.
-ze Allow generation of sample scripts. See -ze option.
-zp In the event of a timestamp conflict between the consolidated and remote database, this option allows timestamp values with a precision higher than the lowest-precision to be used for conflict detection purposes. See -zp option.
-zs name Specify a name for dbmlstop purposes. See -zs option.
-zt number Specify the maximum number of processors used to run the MobiLink synchronization server. See -zt option.
-zu { + | - } Controls the automatic addition of users when the authenticate_user script is undefined. See -zu option.
-zw 1,...5 Controls which levels of warning message to display. See -zw option.
-zwd code Disables specific warning codes. See -zwd option.
-zwe code Enables specific warning codes. See -zwe option.

The MobiLink synchronization server opens connections, via ODBC, with your consolidated database server. It then accepts connections from client applications and controls the synchronization process.

The MobiLink synchronization server is compatible with a variety of database-management systems, including Adaptive Server Anywhere, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2.

You must supply connection parameters for the consolidated database using the -c option. The command line options may be presented in any order. The -c option is shown here as the first item in a command string as a convention only. It can be anywhere in a list of options, but must precede a connection string.

Unless your ODBC data source is configured to automatically start the consolidated database, the database must be running before you start the MobiLink server.

You can put dbmlsrv9 command line options in a configuration file and optionally use the File Hiding utility, dbfhide, to add simple encryption to the configuration file.

For more information, see Using configuration files and The File Hiding utility.

dbmlsrv9 options

Contents Index MobiLink Synchronization Server Options dbmlsrv9 options