Contents Index -e extended options CommunicationType (ctp) extended option

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Client
    dbmlsync options
      -e extended options

CommunicationAddress (adr) extended option


Specifies the communication address for connecting to the MobiLink server.


dbmlsync -e adr=network-parameters; ...


For a list of network-parameters, see CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink].

You must ensure that all subscriptions for a MobiLink user are synchronized to only one consolidated database. Otherwise, you may experience data loss and unpredictable behavior.

This option has a short form and long form: you can use adr or CommunicationAddress.

This option can also be stored in the database using the SQL statement that creates or alters a publication, subscription, or user. For more information, see CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink].


The following dbmlsync command line illustrates how you can set this option when you start dbmlsync:

dbmlsync -e "adr=host=localhost"

To specify multiple network parameters on the command line, enclose them in single quotes. For example,

dbmlsync -e "adr='host=somehost;port=5001'"

To store the Address or CommunicationType in the database, you can use an extended option or you can use the ADDRESS or TYPE clause. For example,

   TO sales_publication
   FOR ml_user1
   TYPE 'https'
   ADDRESS host='localhost'

Contents Index -e extended options CommunicationType (ctp) extended option