Contents Index -ds option CommunicationAddress (adr) extended option

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Client
    dbmlsync options

-e extended options


Specifies extended options.


dbmlsync -e extended-option=value; ...

adr ctp cr p dbs el ft eh isc inc lt mem mp mn dir pp sch sv scn sa st sn to v vs vm vo vn vr vu


Extended options can be specified by their long form or short form. See each option, below, for details.


Options specified on the command line with the -e option apply to all synchronizations requested on the command line. For example, in the following command line, the extended option sv=test applies to the synchronization of both pub1 and pub2.

dbmlsync -e sv=test -n pub1 -n pub2

To specify extended options for a single upload, use the -eu option.

Extended options can be specified on the dbmlsync command line using the -e or -eu options, or they can be stored in the database. You store extended options in the database using Sybase Central, or by using the OPTIONS clause in any of the following statements:

Dbmlsync combines options stored in the database with those specified on the command line. If conflicting options are specified, dbmlsync resolves them as follows. In the following list, options specified by methods occurring earlier in the list take precedence over those occurring later in the list.

You can review extended options in the log and the SYSSYNC system table.

For information on how extended options can be used to tune synchronization, see Customizing synchronization.

For a detailed explanation of each option, see below.

See also 

-eu option

SYSSYNC system table


The following dbmlsync command line illustrates how you can set extended options when you start dbmlsync:

dbmlsync -e "adr=host=localhost;dir=c:\db\logs"...

The following SQL statement illustrates how you can store extended options in the database:

   FOR mluser
   ADDRESS 'host=localhost'
   OPTION schedule='weekday@11:30am-12:30pm', dir='c:\db\logs'

The following dbmlsync command line opens the usage screen that lists options and their syntax:

dbmlsync -l

CommunicationAddress (adr) extended option
CommunicationType (ctp) extended option
ConflictRetries (cr) extended option
DisablePolling (p) extended option
DownloadBufferSize (dbs) extended option
DownloadOnly (ds) extended option
ErrorLogSendLimit (el) extended option
FireTriggers (ft) extended option
HoverRescanThreshold (hrt) extended option
IgnoreHookErrors (eh) extended option
IgnoreScheduling (isc) extended option
Increment (inc) extended option
LockTables (lt) extended option
Memory (mem) extended option
MobiLinkPwd (mp) extended option
NewMobiLinkPwd (mn) extended option
OfflineDirectory (dir) extended option
PollingPeriod (pp) extended option
Schedule (sch) extended option
ScriptVersion (sv) extended option
SendColumnNames (scn) extended option
SendDownloadACK (sa) extended option
SendTriggers (st) extended option
TableOrder (tor) extended option
UploadOnly (uo) extended option
Verbose (v) extended option
VerboseHooks (vs) extended option
VerboseMin (vm) extended option
VerboseOptions (vo) extended option
VerboseRowCounts (vn) extended option
VerboseRowValues (vr) extended option
VerboseUpload (vu) extended option

Contents Index -ds option CommunicationAddress (adr) extended option