Contents Index CommunicationType (ctp) extended option DisablePolling (p) extended option

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Client
    dbmlsync options
      -e extended options

ConflictRetries (cr) extended option


Specifies the number of retries if the download fails because of conflicts.


dbmlsync -e cr=number; ...


-1 specifies that retries should continue indefinitely. The default is -1.

This option is useful only if the LockTables option is OFF, which is not the default.

This option has a short form and long form: you can use cr or ConflictRetries.

You can also store extended options in the database. For more information about dbmlsync extended options, see -e extended options.


The following dbmlsync command line illustrates how you can set this option when you start dbmlsync:

dbmlsync -e "cr=5"

The following SQL statement illustrates how you can store this option in the database:

   TO sales_publication
   FOR ml_user1
   OPTION cr='5';

Contents Index CommunicationType (ctp) extended option DisablePolling (p) extended option