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MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Client
    dbmlsync options
      -e extended options

ErrorLogSendLimit (el) extended option


Specifies how much of the remote log file dbmlsync should send to the server when synchronization error occurs.


dbmlsync -e el=numberK | M ]; ...


This option is specified in units of bytes. Use the suffix k or m to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively.

This option specifies the number of bytes of the output log that dbmlsync sends to the MobiLink synchronization server when errors occur during synchronization. Set this option to 0 if you don't want any dbmlsync output log to be sent.

If ErrorLogSendLimit is set to be large enough, dbmlsync sends the entire output log messages from the current session to the MobiLink synchronization server. For example, if the output log messages were appended to an old output log file, dbmlsync only sends the new messages generated in the current session. If the total length of new messages is greater than ErrorLogSendLimit, dbmlsync only logs the last part of the newly generated error and log messages up to the specified size.

Note: The size of the output log is influenced by your verbosity settings. You can adjust these using the dbmlsync -v option, or by using dbmlsync extended options starting with "verbose". For more information, see -v option and -e verbose options, below.

The default is 32K.

This option has a short form and long form: you can use el or ErrorLogSendLimit.

You can also store extended options in the database. For more information about dbmlsync extended options, see -e extended options.


The following dbmlsync command line illustrates how you can set this option when you start dbmlsync:

dbmlsync -e "el=32k"

The following SQL statement illustrates how you can store this option in the database:

   TO sales_publication
   FOR ml_user1
   OPTION el='32k';

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