Contents Index FireTriggers (ft) extended option IgnoreHookErrors (eh) extended option

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Client
    dbmlsync options
      -e extended options

HoverRescanThreshold (hrt) extended option


When you are using scheduling, this limits the amount of discarded memory that is allowed to accumulate before a rescan is performed.


dbmlsync -e hrt= numberK | M ]; ...


Specifies memory in units of bytes. Use the suffix k or m to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively. The default is 1M.

When scheduling options are specified or when more than one dbmlsync -n option is specified, dbmlsync goes into hovering mode. Hovering is a feature that reduces the amount of time spent scanning the log when dbmlsync is started and asked to perform more than one synchronization before shutting down. Hovering can occur only when all the subscriptions to be synchronized involve the same MobiLink user.

While hovering, dbmlsync keeps track of operations read from the log using a system than maintains information first in memory, and then spills it on to disk. As hovering continues, dbmlsync discards memory that has become fragmented. The amount of memory discarded is proportional to the number of operations processed while hovering and the size of the rows involved (not counting blobs). Memory is not discarded if the remote database has only one publication for the user being synchronized.

Discarded memory can be recovered after a complete rescan is performed. There are two ways that you can control when memory is recovered: the HoverRescanThreshold extended option and the sp_hook_dbmlsync_log_rescan stored procedure.

This option has a short form and long form: you can use hrt or HoverRescanThreshold.

You can also store extended options in the database. For more information about dbmlsync extended options, see -e extended options.

See also 



The following dbmlsync command line illustrates how you can set this option when you start dbmlsync:

dbmlsync -e "hrt=2m"

The following SQL statement illustrates how you can store this option in the database:

   TO sales_publication
   FOR ml_user1
   OPTION hrt='2m';

Contents Index FireTriggers (ft) extended option IgnoreHookErrors (eh) extended option