Contents Index Parameter value '%1!s!' is not an unsigned integer. Unable to parse the parameter string '%1!s!'.

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Communication Error Messages
    Communication error descriptions

Parameter value '%1!s!' is not an unsigned integer value or range. A range has the form NNN-NNN.

Item Value
Error code 3
Constant PARAMETER_NOT_UINT32_RANGE (Java) STREAM_ERROR_PARAMETER_NOT_UINT32_RANGE (C/C++) ulStreamErrorParameterNotUint32Range (Visual Basic)
Parameter 1 The invalid parameter value.
Probable cause 

Network parameters are of the form "name=value;[name2=value2[;...]]". The parameter value is not an unsigned integer value or range. Locate the offending parameter specification and change the value of the parameter to an unsigned integer or an unsigned range. An unsigned range has the form: NNN-NNN.

Contents Index Parameter value '%1!s!' is not an unsigned integer. Unable to parse the parameter string '%1!s!'.