Contents Index Parameter value '%1!s!' is not an unsigned integer value or range. A range has the form NNN-NNN. Unable to read %1!s! bytes.

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Communication Error Messages
    Communication error descriptions

Unable to parse the parameter string '%1!s!'.

Item Value
Error code 7
Constant PARSE (Java) STREAM_ERROR_PARSE (C/C++) ulStreamErrorParse (Visual Basic)
Parameter 1 The parameter string that could not be parsed.
Probable cause 

Network parameters are of the form "name=value;[name2=value2[;...]]". Optionally, the entire list of parameters may be enclosed in parentheses. The given string does not follow this convention. Inspect the string, fix any formatting problems, and retry the operation.

Contents Index Parameter value '%1!s!' is not an unsigned integer value or range. A range has the form NNN-NNN. Unable to read %1!s! bytes.